Recent Alabama’s Teacher Of The Year Frustrated

dbradqsqitq8xntfcagdAnne Marie Corgill was acclaimed as Alabama’s National Teacher of the Year in January, 2015. She is a teaching veteran of over 21 years. The education community and others were taken aback when she resigned from her post in less than two years of being awarded the prestigious award. She clearly stated that her frustration with bureaucracy led to her resignation. Corgill had initially been promoted from teaching second grade to fifth grade, but later was told that she wasn’t qualified to teach the fifth grade. Corgill says that it is time to bring back the joy, pride and professionalism to the teaching profession and she would proudly be the voice of her many colleagues and students.

When Corgill was awarded Alabama’s elementary school Teacher of the Year award in January 2014 she taught the fourth graders at Cherokee Bend Elementary, Mountain Brook. Following this she was appointed to teach second graders in Birmingham Oliver Elementary where once the school year began, she was shifted to teach the fifth graders. Birmingham’s Oliver Elementary according to Alabama Public Radio was described as a low income, federally funded school. She had put her heart out to teach the fifth graders for five weeks with positive results but was highly disappointed when Birmingham and Alabama administrators stated that she did not qualify to teach above third grade and that in order to qualify to teach in higher classes she needed to acquire an additional state certification.

1044213-0-20151102065840Corgill added that her certificates in early childhood education and National Board Certification qualifies her to teach students upto the age of 12 inspite of which she had been asked to apply for another Alabama certificate. Corgill has also taught in Manhattan New School in New York City and is the author of a book about education and writing called Of Primary Importance. Corgill is only one among the highly qualified and well deserving teachers who were disappointed by the educational system and put down their papers. Corgill says that despite these setbacks she is determined to continue teaching passionately.